Sunday, October 12, 2008

10.12.2008: Quick Update

So, this is just a quick update to explain why I haven't posted recent pics....I AM DEPRESSED!

Yes, that is right, DEPRESSED!

My camera broke the evening of Jason & Kerry's wedding...and I am lost without it. Luckily, if there is a bright spot in the whole catastrophe, at least I got lots of pictures from the night...mostly the ceremony. The cement killed it about half way through. If I could have killed the cement back, I certainly would have!! However, that would have been utterly futile.

Anyways, each time I go to edit pics from the night, I just get depressed again. So, it is taking me longer than usual to post the wedding pics...and events thereafter.

However, to bring me out of my funk, Vince & I bought a "temporary" camera that is good enough to take pictures, but not good enough to make me happy again...because it isn't as good as mine. I couldn't live another day without some type of camera though, so we got a temporary one.

I will only be happy again once the Camera Fairy brings my new baby to me...the Canon EOS XSI...or something equally as fabulous! Until then, you will have to settle for sub-standard pictures, and less than enthusiastic blogs.

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