Wednesday, April 18, 2018

04.18.2018: Just a Lion Share and Absinthe

Right after the show, the international team took Vince and I to dinner.  We went to a fairly new spot called the Lions Share.  It was setup like an underground speakeasy kind of place.  VERY unique!!!!  The menu was interesting, the drinks even more-so.  I had a great bourbon mixed drink....and everyone got something different.  For appetizers the one Vince and I couldn't wait to try were the Antelope Sliders.  Mainly because antelope are everywhere at my parents in Sonoita and we always wonder what they would taste like! Ummmm, they were delicious!! We were ready to go shoot all the 'lopes in Sonoita, but definitely tasty!
After apps and a few rounds of drinks, Cory (one of the team members who is actually from here in AZ, but lives in Virginia Beach now) wanted to try some Absinthe.  I had never had it before or seen it prepared.  It was an entire production!! It was pretty amazing...but didn't love the drink.  It was extremely strong and I didn't like the flavor of this one in particular.  I have a feeling Cory is going to be feeling this one all night!
After we left the crew, Vince and I headed back to our hotel and went for a walk along the waterfront. The San Diego skyline is one of the prettiest in the world (#1 in my book though).  So gorgeous and makes me miss this town even more!

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