Wednesday, April 18, 2018

04.18.2018: A Day at the Show

Nothing super exciting today...just a work day for Vince!  We both headed to the show in the morning and hung out there all day.  It is always fun walking around the show and getting free swag.  We love going and collecting shirts, patches, pens, and lots of other useless things we don't need but like getting.  We really do like getting all the free t-shirts though!  Some are pretty cool!
ADS always has a good variety of vendors at their shows so there is lots to look at.  We have been to a few of these so we both know a lot of the repeat vendors and reps there.  Always love seeing the fun demonstrations as well! One of the best that they have right there in the show is the K9 attack demo.

Long day, but fun, and something different than the regular day to day at home!

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