Saturday, July 30, 2016

07.30.2016: The Day Has Cometh

Welp, the day is here.  Time to load up and hit the road.   We got a super early start this morning on the drive to TX.  Brent & Scott left early this morning because they were planning to drive straight thru without stopping.  We were breaking it up into 2 days so didn't need to leave as early.  Dad & Andrew were in the little Corolla, and I drove the suburban with all the girls and Barrett.  It actually wasn't a bad drive at all today.  We made it to a little town called Van Horn.  It wasn't too far across the New Mexico border into TX.  It was barely a town at all, but had a hotel, and a restaurant.
The people at the restaurant were really nice and very complimentary of how well behaved the kids were.  It always surprises me that people actually comment on that because I assume that all kids are so well behaved.  I guess not.  Anyways, they were really nice - even though when we walked in, the music stopped and everyone turned to look at the group of foreigners that just entered.  Haha!  Good thing we aren't too intimidated.
Bye-bye western USA -- it is TX time.

Decisions, decisions

Barrett liked the place!

My sleepover buddy

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

07.26.2016: Siblings Farewell Dinner

Brent and Alisa are getting ready to pack up and move to Texas.  Running short on time for more of our sibling dinners, we have one last one with us all.  K&K came down to partake.  It was the first since Kelsea became an "official" member of the family too!  It was bittersweet.  Sooooo much fun having us all there and hanging with the kids....and sooooo sad knowing we wont be having these a often as we can anymore.
We celebrated and opened our last bottle of the Doffo wine that Scott had bought for us for the wedding. Such a great wine, great story, given to us by a great guy, for a great occasion!
Oh, and Kenny held Barrett - and didn't even drop him! ;)


Brotherly love

Bros and sis's.

My little squish....oh how I am going to miss these moments.

Barrett is holding on for dear life!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

07.09.2016: Post Wedding Recovery BBQ

The morning after....
Most of us were slow risers this morning....BUT, we had to start prepping for the BBQ this afternoon. So up we got and helped with the setup the cooking, and cleaning.  Most of the people from the wedding were there today.  We had another full day or eating, drinking, and just enjoying the SoCal mansion life.
Later in the evening we watched the UFC fight on the big projector. Pretty cool!!!

Fight night