Wednesday, May 25, 2016

05.25.2016: Andrew's 6th Grade Graduation

Today was tough.  Emotional, proud, happy, sad.  Andrew graduated 6th grade and ended his last year at Cambridge Academy.  He started his educational career here in kindergarten, found his best friends here, met some amazing mentors and teachers here....this has been his second home for 6 years now.  How do you say good-bye to this? 
The ceremony was light and fun, and special, and anything I say here can't do justice to how special this place is to Andrew.  I am so very proud of him, and happy for his next adventure, and sad that he is leaving these amazing people.  These pics are just a glimpse into how much they all love each other!


Andrew receiving the Principals Award for getting straight A's.

Ashley's first kinder kids!


Why is the year ending??

The Fantastic Four moms

Re-enacting the boys dancing

Hannah & Brianna

Andrew & Mr. Knowles

Having a moment

Can't stop dancing

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