Saturday, May 21, 2016

05.21.2016: RDA Spring Recital

Revolution Dance Academy held their spring recital today.  This is the first time ALL the girls in the studio get to dance - even the non-competitive ones.  Avery had 2 performances today, ballet and tap, and rocked them both! She was soooo cute and just lit up on stage.  Not that I ever doubted her stage presence, but she was pretty amazing.  Ate it up!  Brianna does her thing like a pro!  She had about a million performances today.  Some, we have never seen, since they are not company dances (non-competition).  This was the first time they "performed" most of those.  Again, all flawless! 
Ok, get ready for picture overload.  I just couldn't decide on a few, so you get a TON.

Tailgating in the parking lot!  We brought coolers of beverages (yes, alcoholic as any good tailgate would have), sandwiches, chips, fruit, and dessert goodies!  The only thing we didn't bring was CHAIRS!  So we stood :)

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