Friday, April 17, 2015

04.17.2015: Last Day with Kaizen

Today was a sad day in our house.  Last night we were sitting on the patio having dinner and some neighbors came over to chat.  Kaizen came out and jumped up on the wall to give her customary greeting and say hi.  One of the ladies came over to pet her and all of a sudden Kaizen leaped and bit her in the face. It was so scary and strange!  I was in SHOCK.  She has never done that before.  She was wagging her tail, up on the wall (by choice), sending mixed signals...and bit someone!  The lady was super nice about it, and knew she shouldn't have got in Kaizen's face, but still.  That could have gone so much worse.  So, this afternoon, Vince took her away.  These pics were a few minutes before she left.  I think she knew...she was super clingy and hung tight to me.  I feel so bad for her...and have been crying all day.  Love this dog so much, but we had no choice.

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