Saturday, January 24, 2015

01.24.2015: First Win of the Season

Andrew had his 3rd game of the season today. I missed last week and they had some action between one of the parents and a kid on the other team.  Most of the other teams are giants.  Like all 12 year old giants.  Andrew's team is all pretty small in comparison.  I guess last week, one of the kids was full on tackling our players throughout the game, then taunting the parents after each one.  One of our parents did not approve and rushed the field to confront the kid (standing eye to eye with him...that is how big he was).  Guess it was kinda awkward haha!  So, anyways, bummed I missed all the action!!! 
This week was pretty tame.  The kids were normal size, which was good.  Our kids didn't come out onto the field completely intimidated before the first snap.  They came out aggressive & scored a TD on their first drive.  Andrew came out on fire and did amazing on both offense & defense.  He had a few TD passes, a couple catches, and pulled a few flags.  He caught the ball on the opening kickoff and had a great run too.  All-in-all, the kids looked great and you can tell they are improving with each game....which is really all you can ask for!  They had a great time, and came out with a win.  Brent even seemed to enjoy it! :)  It was a great confidence boost for the team!

From the look on Brent's face, I think the other team just scored!

The water gurl...chasing Daddy with the water!

Running off the field....adorable!

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