Sunday, May 25, 2014

05.25.2014: Memorial Day Visits

For Memorial Day, we thought it only appropriate to go visit the gravesites of our grandparents that have passed.  First we went to Riverside National Cemetery to visit Alisa's grandpa's gravesite...then our grandparents (Dad's Mom & Dad, who both served in the military).  We placed flags and flowers at their was nice all going there as a family.  We hadn't all been to Grandma & Grandpa Durbin's gravesite together since Grandma passed away.
Next we went to Gramma & Papa's gravesite at Olivewood Cemetery.  Yesterday was Papa's birthday as well.  We placed flowers and flags there too.  Again, it was the first time we had all been back there as a family and it was really nice.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

05.24.2014: Avery's 3rd Birthday Party

Today was Avery's 3rd birthday party!  It was a cowgirl theme, and she was decked out for it! She could not wait!  She was so exited for the people to get there.  The backyard was done up in the cowboy theme as well.  There was a HUGE turnout for the party!  As usual Durbin parties are....  :)
The kids had a few game...played pin the tail on the horse....which everyone seemed to win since no one wanted to actually wear the blindfold. And they all thought their tail was in the perfect spot!  The piƱata was pretty funny too!  All the kids had so fun.  You could tell the older ones just wanted to smash it with the bat...but the little ones really had a good time!  Avery seemed to get a few extra turns....guess she can though since she is the birthday girl. :)
The party lasted until these parties usually do!  It was so much fun!  Avery had a great time too....think she wants birthdays every month now.

Being Piggy...

Birthday girl!!!

She said "Me & my horse! I'm gonna ride him"

Love this girl!!

Brent got sent to the kids table