Tuesday, February 25, 2014

02.25.2014: Girls Night Out ... in Mesa

This was one of the funnest nights EVER...or at least one of the funniest that I am sure will be relived many many times.  Alisa had a field trip with Andrew...they went roller skating after school.  It was part of some Math Academic group he is in or qualified for.  They tried to make the field trip educational (making the kids figure out times of songs & how many they can fit in a certain amount of mins, etc..)  Anyways, they had a great time.  Brent was back in CA for work this week, so I volunteered to come over and hang with the girls!  I picked them up from school, and we headed out on adventures. 
We started at Cold Stone Creamery for some after school snacks...
Then we went park exploring!!  It was so much fun...we were literally driving around the new neighborhoods across from their neighborhood, looking for new little parks & playing in them.  We probably hit at least 10 of them.  They are al pretty small...but it was a blast being "explorers".  They really seemed to have a great time!
So, since Avery had to go to the bathroom, and we needed to eat dinner anyways, we headed out to Chik-Fil-A (Chick-O-Lay).  We were eating our dinner and some (crazy) lady came and told us that tonight was Family Night here tonight! :)  Yeeaaahhhh! (sarcastic, haha)  Actually it was kinda cool.  This lady shows up, sets up a full-on muppet show thing, reads stories, and gets the kids all engaged in conversation.  So, we moved our table over to where she was a so the girls could watch.  They both went over in front of her and sat on the floor to watch.  After a few mins of story-telling, and singing, the muppets pop out....and Avery freaks out!  Literally freaks out.  She broke out in the fastest fast crawl back over to me that she could manage.  She had a full-on breakdown.  Granted the muppet was quite freaky.  It had a green face, crazy orange hair, a big purple-ish mouth, and was flinging his arms all over.  She was pretty done for the rest of the night.  She just sat in my lap the whole time.  Which was fine...she was just as entertained, and so were we!
Park Explorers

 Silly girls at Chic-o-lay
 Right before the muppet popped out....all was well.
 Funny thing was that Avery wasn't even freaked out by the big cow!  Brianna wasn't too hot on him.  She still doesn't prefer big people dressed up in fuzzy animal costumes.  Its just weird, and I don't blame her.  But anyways the cow was walking around mooing at people.  Most kids were freaked out and the small ones all started screaming.  Why, oh why, do people think this is a good idea and/or that kids like this stuff?  Or is it merely for the parental entertainment factor??  I wonder.....

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