Saturday, October 6, 2012

10.06.2012: Huntin' and Shootin' and Forest Walks

So since this is state land or whatever, it's not quite legal to shoot (or hunt) on it. discharging of firearms.  However, we only follow some rules, not all of them.  So we went for a little forest walk waaaaay out of the campground and into the wilderness so the kids could shoot their BB guns.

Our lil forest dweller...
 Time to hitch a ride with Grandpa
 Surveying the terrain...

 Collecting pinecones

 This was the only real huntin' that went on today.  Kaizen saw a squirrel and chased it all over the forest and up this tree....WAY up this tree!!  Then she sat at the bottom of the tree waiting for it to come back down. So maybe not hunting...but more like tracking her prey.  Anyways, it kept her entertained while the kiddos were shootin'


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