Friday, May 25, 2012

05.25.2012: Happy Hour & Evening Activities

Happy Hour in the Durbin house is usually filled with some sort of outdoor activity involved.  If its anywhere near summer time and IF the adults allow (no matter how freezing the water MIGHT be), the kiddos end up in the pool.  They are all half fish...and LOVE to swim!  So, our happy hour started with drinks for us and pool for kids. 

Nana - the flying fish!!  No she didn't land on the side of the pool...must have been camera effects!

 Olivia enjoying the perfection of the Bud Light keg....

 Warmed up the jacuzzi to thaw them out a little...

So, Brianna just learned to swim earlier this year....which was a HUGE deal!  Today, she was jumping off the side of the pool...another HUGE deal!  Something that we didn't really expect her to do yet.  However, when she walked up on the diving board to jump, we thought she had seriously lost her mind.  With some coaching from Drake and Andrew, she convinced herself she could do it.  Thank goodness I had my camera!!  She made Drake tread water in the middle of the pool to catch her in case she needed help, which of course he gladly did.  And she jumped!!!  Amazing....she did it quite a few times...which was really cool!!  :)  And it also turned out to be the last time she did it for a while...not sure if she eventually realized what she did and thought, "was I crazy!?"  It didn't happen again...not yet glad that I got it on tape this day!  Just press the PLAY arrow.

Second round of happy hour started the hula hoop contest!  Yes, hula hoop.  Alisa and I had bought a few of them at the store to have for Avery's party the next day.....and they were it turned into "practice".  It was hilarious!!!!  We have all hula'd in our it should be like riding a bike, right?!  Uhhhhummmm...not really.

 Kids had it down pat....guess they do this in PE at they had an advantage.
 Andrew was a little hula pro....he got those hips MOVING!  We were laughing so was really cute!  I have a video of this too....

Well, after we enjoyed our standard Friday night dinner...Albertos....we took it inside to relax.  The kids stuffed the pinata with candy in preparation for the party tomorrow.  Avery played with Grandma and Grandpa and her toys.

These next 3 pictures are the funniest ever.  And yes, they were taken quickly, back to whatever was going on in her mind was captured here. I have no idea what it meant, why she did it, or what she was looking at, but I think it is just hilarious!  This is her "suprise" that she does often at this time in her life.  Everything is "O"!!!!  Shocking!!!!  Just too funny for this little girl!  So much personality for such a little one!!!

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