Sunday, February 12, 2012

02.12.2012: ER Visit & Scene of the Crime

So last night, when we got home from our outting to dinner and the Mission, there was a little "accident"!  When we were all getting out of the truck, Lois tripped over the curb/cement from where the driveway starts, and fell.  She had stuff in both hands and couldn't react fast enough to drop everything and brace her fall, so she made full impact with her nose and the cement.  There was blood EVERYWHERE.  At first it seemed like she would be ok, but the more she got cleaned up by Mom, the more it looked like she would need some stitches....and also make sure there was no other issues like internal bleeding, broken nose, concusion, etc.  So off we went to the ER.  Mom, Ray, Lois and I headed to Kaiser.  Luckily Mom knows people :)  We got in right away.  Ray and I waited in the waiting room, and all he wanted to do was to call everyone he knew to tell them.....and even asked me to post it on facebook!!  Haha!  He is crazy!  He knew Lois didn't want anyone to know...and he couldn't wait to tell everyone!  I didn't let him, and definitely didn't put it on Facebook!  So, the doc checked her out and she ended up with about 5 stitches in the bridge of her nose.  She was so black & blue, and didn't look good at all.  Looks like there would be permanent scarring.  Anyways, we spent a few hours at the ER that night...not a great way to end a great day!

That night Lois didn't want ANY evidence of anything!  However, the next morning, she was still pretty black & blue & swollen...but she wanted pics! :)  So, you know she was feeling a little better!  So we took some "crime scene" pics for posterity.  (And also she wanted pics for her lawyer in case she decided to sue! Haha....or so she threatened!!)

After we documented the event, Vince and I packed up the car and the 4 of us headed back to AZ.  It was a really great weekend out in CA, with a really bad ending!!!

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