Saturday, February 11, 2012

02.11.2012: BBQ at Gramma & Papa's

On Sat, we had a little BBQ at Gramma & Papa's house.  Papa LOVES Vince's it has become a little tradition that we have BBQ's at their house and Vince makes his ribs, and everyone brings something.  We have done this a few times now, and everyone seems to really enjoy it.  We call it the traveling party.  We literally drive up, unload all our gear, tables, chairs, BBQ, food, ice chest, etc......we hang out, eat, enjoy each other....then pack it all up, trash & all....and drive outta there!  It is perfect for Gramma & Papa because they get to enjoy a party at their house without having to worry about doing anything, or going anywhere!  And when they get tired, they kick us and all our stuff out!

Anyways, these little pop-up-parties are a lot of fun and we do them well (just ask me!).  So Vince spent all morning prepping his ribs at home...then finish them off on the grill there.  Shelly & Jimmy came...Chad, Christina & Layla came...Shelly brought Tucker with them.  We brought Ray & Lois, Mom, Vince and I.  Dad had to work all morning, so he missed the party.  He has had some very long days, as he is working on a big project at work so is super tired and working 24/7!  No fun :(

So after we ate, Papa mentioned that he had a hole in his chimney on the patio.  So, he had Chad go up there to fix it.  So Chad was on the patio roof (which didn't seem very sturdy...but glad Papa wasn't trying to get up there)...Jimmy on the ladder supervising....and Papa and Ray supervising from the lawn.  Seemed like everyone had some input on what should be done...and seemed like Chad had it pretty under control! Haha!  I was just glad that Papa wasn't trying to get up there to fix it himself :)

We took some pics, and the brothers got to catch up some more and talk while we packed up our traveling party....then we got kicked out so Papa could rest!  What a great day and a great little party!!  After we made it home, Vince stayed at the house waiting for Dad to get home and Mom, Ray, Lois and I went over to Shelly's house for a little bit.  I hadn't been there in forever so it was neat seeing all the work they had done to it.  They boys all built a really nice pond in the back with a big deck....super nice!  And Jimmy made a very cool huge wooden bar down in their basement with a wine tap, that I absolutely LOVED!  Looked like a ton of work though!  We hung out there for a little bit, but we were all ready for a short nap so we headed home :)

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