Monday, August 22, 2011

08.22.2011: Drakes 9th Birthday

This year Drake's birthday was on a Tuesday, and Vince and I had been traveling so much, we decided to do a low-key celebration with just us.  We did gifts & presents at our house with Drake's dinner of choice (Pork Chops) and ice cream cake. We got him a very cool starter microscope kit, and he spent the rest of the afternoon putting things on slides and examining them.  It also came with a bunch of sample ones, which were pretty interesting.  Coffeee was probably the most disgusting thing under the scope....although it hasn't yet detered me from drinking it.  He got gift cards from Mom & Dad (along with an Angry Bird shirt that he loves), gift card from Gina and Bill, and his first check from Gramma & Papa....which prompted us to open him his very own savings account with USAA (military bank), which he is very proud of.  And really liked getting his own debit card too (uh-oh!).  Brent & Alisa & the kids got him a DS game and some books too.  We got him the microscope, a DS game, some books, clothes, and a bunch of sample & starter slides to go with the scope.  Not a bad way to turn 9!

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