Thursday, August 11, 2011

08.11.2011: Watching the Kiddos!!!

Alisa had a "Start of the School Year" meeting at the kids school, so Vince and I went over to the house for the afternoon/evening to watch the kids for a bit.  Avery is a barrel of smiles and semi-giggles.  She is so well entertained and just in general a really happy baby! I love watching her!!!  Brianna and Andrew are just little love bugs and want to cuddle the entire time!  (That, or play games on our phones haha!)  Even then, they love snuggling up all over you!  After a long week, we were exhausted, but wished we could have stayed much longer!! :( Can't wait for the next get-together so we can spend more time with them!  They are growing too fast...even looking at older blog posts, it just makes me sad how quickly time flies.

Oh, and Andrew had just lost his other front he was top front cute!!  :)  We were making his say all kinds of funny words...haha!

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