Sunday, August 28, 2011

08.28.2011: Sunday Dinner with Alisa & the Kids

Brent has been working up in Flagstaff most weeks with summer on a big project at NAU.  His work rented a cabin there so he has been staying up there a lot.  Instead of coming home to the 120 degree heat for this weekend, Alisa and the kids decided to go up there and enjoy some mountain Vince and I babysat Yukon for the weekend.  On Sunday, on their way home, they came by to get Yukon & stayed for dinner.  Always an opportunity for some kiddos pics :)

Some of my first pics of these 3 kids together were in this favorite sitting place ever, by the way....although back the day, there used to be so much more room left when they were all in it.  Not much longer & they wont fit sideways anymore.  Fun to see the pics every year...seems like they always end up in it together one way or another during the visit!

 And now there is one more in the mix.....she does fit sideways with them though!

Monday, August 22, 2011

08.22.2011: Drakes 9th Birthday

This year Drake's birthday was on a Tuesday, and Vince and I had been traveling so much, we decided to do a low-key celebration with just us.  We did gifts & presents at our house with Drake's dinner of choice (Pork Chops) and ice cream cake. We got him a very cool starter microscope kit, and he spent the rest of the afternoon putting things on slides and examining them.  It also came with a bunch of sample ones, which were pretty interesting.  Coffeee was probably the most disgusting thing under the scope....although it hasn't yet detered me from drinking it.  He got gift cards from Mom & Dad (along with an Angry Bird shirt that he loves), gift card from Gina and Bill, and his first check from Gramma & Papa....which prompted us to open him his very own savings account with USAA (military bank), which he is very proud of.  And really liked getting his own debit card too (uh-oh!).  Brent & Alisa & the kids got him a DS game and some books too.  We got him the microscope, a DS game, some books, clothes, and a bunch of sample & starter slides to go with the scope.  Not a bad way to turn 9!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

08.11.2011: Watching the Kiddos!!!

Alisa had a "Start of the School Year" meeting at the kids school, so Vince and I went over to the house for the afternoon/evening to watch the kids for a bit.  Avery is a barrel of smiles and semi-giggles.  She is so well entertained and just in general a really happy baby! I love watching her!!!  Brianna and Andrew are just little love bugs and want to cuddle the entire time!  (That, or play games on our phones haha!)  Even then, they love snuggling up all over you!  After a long week, we were exhausted, but wished we could have stayed much longer!! :( Can't wait for the next get-together so we can spend more time with them!  They are growing too fast...even looking at older blog posts, it just makes me sad how quickly time flies.

Oh, and Andrew had just lost his other front he was top front cute!!  :)  We were making his say all kinds of funny words...haha!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

08.10.2011: Another Dinner for Charles

Glenn and Jan were in CA for the earlier part of the week, but came home and wanted to spend Charles' last night here in AZ all we all went over to their house for dinner. Vince, Drake and I picked up Thelma on our way over there.  Eric, Karissa and the girls came over too.  We had a great Mexican street taco dinner, great "skinny" (and strong!!!) margaritas, and another great night of the brothers together "entertaining" each other!  It was an early night, as we all had an early morning the next day!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

08.09.2011: Dinner for Charles

Tuesday evening we had a dinner for Charles at our house.  His son & daughter who live in Tucson were going to come up for the evening, but ended up not making it.  So, it was just us, Charles, Eric, Karissa and the girls.  The girls had a blast entertaining Charles!!  Makenna hung out on the patio with Vince and Charles grilling....just talking.  It was so cute!!!  So grown!!  Kids grow up too fast!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

08.05.2011: Andrew's Family Reunion

Vince and I went to Long Beach for the weekend for the Andrew's Family Reunion.  The Andrew's are Thelma (Vince's mom) family.  All of her brothers & sisters have a big reunion every 2 years, with it being in a different location each time, and one of the siblings "hosting" the event.  This year's event was hosted by Uncle Vernon & family who lives in Long Beach.  I had only met 2 of her brothers (who both live in Tucson) before this weekend....and love them both dearly!  It was great to finally meet all the other brothers & sisters....and most of their kids (Vince's cousins).  From Thelma's kids, Glenn & Jan went....we were there...Christina, Lex & Justice came....and we flew Charles out from Texas as a surprise to Thelma.  He hadn't been out since last summer, and Thelma hadn't seen him since January when she was there it was a HUGE surprise for her especially! 

The reunion itself was fun, but more fun just meeting everyone!  We met on Friday night for a "Welcome Dinner" with the whole group.  After dinner, we all went back to our hotel, and Vince, Charles, Christina, Lex, and I all went to Glenn & Jan's room for some post-party wine & apps.  We ended up staying up visiting and solving the problems of the world until about 3am. 

Sat morning, we went to the "Cousins Breakfast" hosted by Vernon's daughter Connie.  After breakfast, the Hearns headed over to Christina's house for the afternoon.  We hung out and had a delicious lunch! Then raced back to the hotel, changed, and headed to the evening festivities.  The Hearn boys decided to take over the entertainment portion of the evening by performing a few songs.  Charles brought his sax, Vince brought his voice, and Glenn.....well, Glenn was there too :)  Haha!  Actually Vince and Glenn both sang, even though Vince "hogged" the mic....according to Glenn.  They did 2 songs...and both were fun & hilarious!  Thelma was sooooo proud!  And the group really got into it too!

Sunday morning we got up and headed back.  We knew it would be a long drive, but took a few minutes out to stop in Riverside and say hi to Mom & Dad.  Glad we did...because we had another 6 hours ahead of us!!  ARGH!  Longest drive ever!

Thelma, Uncle Ira (from Tucson), Glenn, Charles, Vince

 Curtis (from Houston) and Vince
 SURPRISE!!!  Charles & Thelma

 Vince & Charles practicing for their performance

 All the brothers & sisters

 Glenn, Shonda (from Houston), Vince & Charles
 Me & Cheryl
 Aunt Mary Jo, Vince, and Uncle Edward (from Tucson)
 Vince, Cheryl & Christina