Wednesday, July 20, 2011

07.20.2011: A Long Drive Home, Followed With A Long Evening in the ER

During a very long drive home to Arizona from Newport Beach, Vince's ankle/foot slowing began to swell up to monster proportions....for him!  By the time we made it back to Scottsdale, he was in intense pain and could not walk on his right we headed over to the ER.  They did some xrays and determined that he broke his talus.  No tendon damage, which the doc said he was VERY lucky for!  The talus is the bone that connects the foot & ankle. It basically controls all the movement of the foot. So, they outfitted him with a big huge walking boot, gave him some meds, and told him to ice it, elevate it, follow up with a foot surgeon, and STAY OFF OF IT!  However, if you know Vince, you know that didn't last long.  He milked as much sympathy from me as he could though....which, if you know me, that didn't last long either ;)  Haha!!

The pictures really don't do his swollenness justice....his ankle was HUGE!!!  I just couldn't capture it all.

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