Tuesday, July 5, 2011

07.05.2011: The Haboob

Haboob:  a type of intense duststorm commonly observed in arid regions throughout the world.

Unless you have lived in the Middle East, you probably dont know what a Haboob is.  We sure didn't!  But that didn't stop us from encountering one.  This evening we (definitely I) experienced my first haboob....it was amazing!!  We saw a "breaking news" flash in the middle of the show we were watching announcing that a huge dust cloud was hitting the valley from the south.  It was about 6pm, and we ran outside to see if we could see any dust coming our way.  When we got out there, this is what we saw.  Now remember that normally this time of year at 6pm it is still 100% bright outside.  It was literally a wall of black coming at us.  So, of course, ran to get the camera....  It was moving fast, because within just a few seconds we were being hit with dust from everywhere...so we ran back inside.  We could hear & see the dust coming in through the edges of the doors.  It became completely black outside, and you could barely see a few feet in front of you.  It was crazy....and lasted for a quite a while because it never got light out again.  Turns out the haboob was 1 mile high & 60 miles wide.  AMAZING!  The next day when we woke up everything was covered in this super fine dust.  Everything was brown.  The air was terrible, the streets were all brown & you couldn't even see the lane lines on the streets or freeways.  All the plants were brown & covered in dust.  Doors, windows, outdoor furniture, etc.  Usually when we have dust storms, they are followed with rain which washes most of it away....not this time.  Lets just say the car wash business was booming the next day!

This last picture isn't mine, but gives you a good idea of the magnitude of this haboob that hit the valley.

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