Sunday, January 4, 2009

01.01.2009: New Years Weekend in Las Vegas

New Years Day we drove up to Vegas to meet up with Mom and Dad for a weekend of fun!!!! The weekend started with a bang by staying up all night drinking and gambling.....uh, yeah, what else do you really do in Vegas??? I don't really know why were all squatting in that one pic, but it seemed like we needed to. I couldn't tell you where we were at!! So after torturing our livers (maybe I am just speaking for myself, but I doubt it) with Long Island Ice Teas...the traditional Vegas drink in our group, we went to bed sometime before the sun came back up.

On Friday, the 2nd, we relaxed (recovered) most of the day in preparation for the Neil Diamond concert that evening. Mom and Dad got Vince tickets for his birthday (and luckily he decided to take me!!) It was really good concert!!! We had front row seats on the side section, so we were "on the floor". I surprisingly knew most of the songs...he sang a few new ones that we didn't know...and it was amazing that he had to much energy for his age...whatever that may be!! You just never know anymore these days.

The next day was the big day of playoff games for our teams!! Cardinals played Atlanta first...then the Chargers played Baltimore. So, we had our own little football party with drinks and apps in Mom and Dad's room. They had a HUGE suite at the new Palazzo hotel, compliments of the "Diamond Club"...which for you non-gamblers, means Vegas baller. Very fancy!!!! That pic is the view from their room. (We stayed at Ceasars in another of their comp suites for the weekend!)

Anyways, back to football....we wore our Chargers stuff all day on the strip and got lots of cheers from other fans!! Although, I have to tell on Mom now because before the game ended and it looked like the Chargers were NOT going to pull it off, Mom went and took off her Charger gear!!!! After they scored and won...she put it back on for the night on the town. Can you believe it!!!??? Hmmmm....time to take her fan card???? Haha!!! :)

Now back to Vegas and gambling....none of us really had any luck except Mom, as usual. Maybe next time! And there will be a next time!! ;)

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