Friday, June 7, 2024

06.07.2024: ILA Berlin (Work Stuff)

Figured I should throw a work post in here before my tourist posts - hence the reason we are in German to begin with!

I opted not to go to this conference (even though I was being pressured to, as I usually attend these with Vince and our colleague friends). BUT I haven't been to Berlin before and needed to get my adventures in.  

So, Vince was busy working at the conference today.  He met up with a few promising groups, as well as a division of the German Space Agency that he was going to follow up with again at meetings through the week in Cologne.

These shows are always fun, as companies bring their best equipment, planes, guns, missiles, spaceships, etc to demo.  This is the biggest aerospace show in Europe.

They also had the very 1st F-35 that was delivered to Germany from the US there. Vince got to sit in it:

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