Pinnacle played Perry HS out in Mesa area. There was more monsoons predicted for tonight's game but we were hoping they would hold off. Mom & Dad came out for the game too and met us there.
Pinnacle took the lead early in the game, and played really well. Drake only played on special teams this game but did have a kickoff return which was pretty cool! Still figuring out the plays and earn his spot on defense, but its good he is getting some playing time on kickoff & return!
Just at the half, the storm started to roll thru. It made for some amazing pics, but was very ominous! Lightening started striking really close and it started to rain. They cleared the field and made everyone take shelter. After about 15mins, the weather report didn't make it look like it was letting up anytime soon, so they called the game and we headed home.
By the time picked up Drake from the school, grabbed food on the way home, and got home for cake and presents we were exhausted!!! Fun & exciting first game!
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