Saturday, August 25, 2018

08.25.2018: Guilt Trip

No one knows how to lay it on better than Avery! This is part of the card I got from her today. Along with a $1 bill.  Not sure if the money is supposed to buy a plane ticket back out or what, but it was pretty darn sweet!  And this card!?!?!  Wow, can that girl write!   You know you are going to need a whole box of Kleenex when you get a card that starts out with "It's really hard to have a life without you..."   This girl just has my heart! 

Friday, August 24, 2018

08.24.2018: Pinnacle Military Appreciation Night

Tonight was military appreciation night at Pinnalce's varsity game. We wanted to go to see the team play anyways, and this is such a fun night to be there! Love their uniforms for the night too!!

Yes, they won, of course ;) 
Love high school football again!!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

08.23.2018: Drake's 1st Game

 Tonight was Drake's first high school football game! And it happened to be his birthday :)
Pinnacle played Perry HS out in Mesa area.  There was more monsoons predicted for tonight's game but we were hoping they would hold off. Mom & Dad came out for the game too and met us there.

Pinnacle took the lead early in the game, and played really well.  Drake only played on special teams this game but did have a kickoff return which was pretty cool!  Still figuring out the plays and earn his spot on defense, but its good he is getting some playing time on kickoff & return!

Just at the half, the storm started to roll thru. It made for some amazing pics, but was very ominous! Lightening started striking really close and it started to rain.  They cleared the field and made everyone take shelter. After about 15mins, the weather report didn't make it look like it was letting up anytime soon, so they called the game and we headed home.

By the time picked up Drake from the school, grabbed food on the way home, and got home for cake and presents we were exhausted!!! Fun & exciting first game!


Sunday, August 12, 2018

08.12.2018: Storm of the Century

Tonight we got hit with a HUGE monsoon! We thought the other night was bad when we lost our A/C but I think tonight was worse.  We were at home and lost power for a while, but it came back on fairly quick. Vince was a little stir-crazy from being in the house so much since surgery so we decided to go for some DQ. We went to our usual spot and it was closed because they had no power.  So we went to our 2nd location that is still fairly close and the power was out at most of the light all the way there. Once we got to the street, a ton of trees was down through the street so we were weeving our way thru.  We pulled up to the parking lot and saw this gigantic tree that fell on 2 cars in the lot! No one was out there - the car owners weren't around, no police, etc.  So we walked around it being nosey, got some ice cream, and took some pics.  By the time we were leaving the police were there roping off the area. It was pretty crazy! Kinda anxious to get back home and out of the way of the mess - and it started raining again.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

08.01.2018: Vince's Hip Replacement Surgery

Welp, today is the big day! Vince has been looking forward to this day for a long time, and I have not! Any surgery worries me, so I wasn't excited for this to be happening, but he was, hoping to get some relief from the pain in his hip.  I knew we found a great surgeon, so we could only hope & pray for the best.  Still pretty darn scary though.

He went into surgery about 7am and didn't get done until after 11am.  I had to run home during his surgery to let in the AC people.  Figures that the AC went out last night.  It has been on its last leg for a while now, but kept kicking along.  There was a huge storm last night, we heard a giant crack, and boom - no more AC.  There were a few lightening strikes in the area, so it possibly got hit - or just couldn't take it anymore.  Either way, it is dead, and they are on their way to replace it.  Right in the middle of surgery!  Not great timing!!!!   So I rushed home to deal with that, hoping that the doc didn't get out of surgery while I was gone & coming to look for me with an update. 

Well, got those guys situated in our house and ran back to the hospital (technically drove but was sweating like I ran when I got back).  The surgeon came out about 11:30am and said the surgery went great.  He said Vince had the tightest leg muscles he has ever worked with.  He had to be extra careful in the way he was bent otherwise he could have broken his leg (which I guess happens!).  After an hour or so in recovery, Vince headed up to his room for the night.  When he got there, he was already pretty coherent, so I didn't get to experience him acting crazy from the meds.  (That was what I was looking forward to most!)  He felt instant relief in his hip area, even with meds on board and pain from the surgery, it was different, and better.  By that afternoon, he was up walking the halls.  

Surgery these days is amazing!!! He is so lucky to have gotten such a great surgeon, as well as been in great shape, as well as had good genes, as well as be in a great hospital with great insurance!!  All these roads lead to a miraculous recovery!

Gorgeous flowers from Mom & Dad from Maui!! Sooooo pretty!!!