Saturday, July 22, 2017

7.22.2017: Marquita & Jay's Wedding

Today we drove down to Tucson to attend the wedding of Marquita & Jay.  Marquita is Charles's older daughter that lives in Tucson.  The wedding was at the Reflections at the Buttes in Oro Valley.  Driving in, we could see the craziest clouds coming together from both the east & west, and looked like there were going to converge directly above us.  And they did.
About 15mins before the outdoor ceremony was supposed to start, the clouds collided and unleashed themselves on us!  It was an insane rain & wind storm - that did not let up.  So, everything outdoors got disassembled and relocated indoors.  Luckily we got there early so avoided getting drenched - but most others did not.
It turned out to be a beautiful wedding - and even though it wasn't exactly how Marquita hoped it would be, it made for great memories and a great story later.  Jackie presided over the ceremony, and did a wonderful job.  We had dinner, and then danced the evening away! 
After the wedding, Vince, Thelma and I headed down to Sonoita to spend the night at Mom & Dad's house.  We luckily caught a break right in the middle of the storms, as one hit before we got on the road, and after we got there!
They do say - rain on your wedding day is good luck!  Jay & Marquita are going to have a LOT of luck because that was a LOT of rain!!!

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