Mom drove out from CA today to help out with the kids this week, as they are on their spring break and wanted to be able to hang out with them while they were off school. Dad was supposed to come to but is swamped at work so isn't coming out until Friday. So, it worked out well that Mom could stay at the house with the kids and I could go to the hospital with Brent & Alisa. I love being able to be a part of this experience with them, and capture it for them. Brent and I are each other's support system...Alisa is the tougher one when it comes to all this haha!
So we headed to the hospital in the evening for her scheduled inducement. They started her on some antibiotics before the putossin, so it took about 2 hours for that to run thru her body. They started inducing around 11pm. For the next few hours they were coming in & out checking on her. Brent and I were freezing in here! So it felt like it was forever from checking in to birth...but it actually went pretty fast.
Around 7am, she started getting uncomfortable and was ready for the epidural. Unfortunately, it was right in the middle of shift change, so she had to wait. She was trying to hold out as long as possible...and now was ready! And now couldn't get it! So frustrating! Only had to wait about an hour, and they finally came in to give it to her. After they did, she was much more comfortable, and actually able to sleep a bit. When the nurse came in to check her a bit later, she was already fully dilated and Baby Durbs was coming out! They told her to hold him in, and called the doctor.
The delivery itself went fairly quick. Only 2-3 big pushes, and he was out! Came out screaming just like he should. He is already a cute little guy with a head full of thick black hair...just like all the others! His official stats:
Barrett Michael Durbin
Born March 22, 2016 at 9:56am
Weight - 7lbs, 13oz
Height - 21 inches long
His name hadn't been decided on until he was worn. Brent wanted Braxon, Alisa wanted Barrett. After giving birth, Alisa won and Barrett it is!!
After getting him all cleaned up and relaxed, he snuggled in and fell asleep.
Right before the birth! Alisa is a pro at this! |
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