Wednesday, March 30, 2016

03.30.2016: Sunshine and Bubbles

More of just hanging with the kiddos and getting some sunshine while Piggy and Avery play with bubbles

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

03.29.2016: Cuddles with Baby Barrett

Just hanging out at the house with Alisa, Avery and Barrett.  Getting my daily cuddles in....

Sunday, March 27, 2016

03.27.2016: Easter Brunch with K&K

Kenny & Kelsea came down for the day to go visit with baby Barrett.  Before heading over there, we had Easter all you can eat brunch at Scottsdale Beer Co.   Soooo good!!!  Here is just a little taster.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

03.26.2016: A Day at the Park with Some Angels

Angels were in town this weekend for spring training so we took the opportunity to take the kiddos to the park!  Vince, Drake and I had been there before, but it was a first time experience for the others.  I LOVE spring training games!  We headed out to Mesa to pick up the rest of the kiddos, and made our way to Tempe Diablo Stadium, the Angels home stadium for spring training. They were playing the Padres, so I was a little conflicted with my cheering.  I felt like Andrew and was in my "I want everyone to win" mode.  We got lawn seats, so wanted to get there early to claim our spots! 
Immediately the kids started looking for food, ice cream, churros, souvenirs, etc.  The adults just wanted an ice cold beer!  We all got our goodies and were happy!! 
The lawn got packed quick, so we had to share our space a bit.  The kids enjoyed the game, but when they ran out of snacks, they started to get antsy.  Some of us wanted to stay, but figured we'd beat the traffic and head out in the 7th inning.  A full day in the sun was enough, but we were thankful for another beautiful day!!

Pre-game snuggles

Avery - "Cassy, take a picture of me with my churro"

Studying the field

Angels in the Outfield

Avery - "I want a picture of me by myself"

Just a normal day for Dad


Mike Trout doing what he does

Enjoying the sunshine

This one...monkey on the back, cell phone in the pocket like she is grown.

Someone fell asleep on the way home