Friday, February 12, 2016

02.12.2016: Chris Cross in Vegas!

This morning we woke up and loaded the car and headed to Vegas for the weekend with Mom & Dad.  For Vince's birthday, I bought him tickets to see Christopher Cross here this weekend.  He was performing in a small theater and looked like it had the potential to be a great little concert.  Mom & Dad had never seen him before, and I wasn't sure if they would like him, but they loved it!!  The last time we saw him, he was super unpersonable.  Very savant-like and reserved.  Tonight, he was very engaging to the crowd, telling stories, talking about his was good.  Not just good, it was AMAZING.  His band was amazing too.  Soooo much fun!!
We stayed at Ballys again, since it was free, and when we checked into our room, this was the view.  The sun was at the perfect spot behind the tower.  It was ridiculous and beautiful.  What are the chances that we walked in right at that moment.

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