Saturday, November 8, 2014

11.08.2014: Flags are Flying

Flags, as in flag football....and its Veterans Weekend!  We headed to Gilbert in the morning for Andrew's football game today. Mom, Dad, Kenny & Kelsea were all there as well.  Alisa and Brianna weren't there today, as they had to get to downtown Mesa early in the morning to get ready for the Veteran's Day parade.  Brianna's Dance group was performing in it. Avery was decked out in festival Veteran's Day attire....and as spunky as ever!  At one point she was looking for snacks, and since we didn't have any, she had a mini breakdown moment by herself.  Uncle Kenny tried to go console her and it was soooo cute!  She eventually came around and rejoined the rest of us cheering for Andrew and his team.
Maggie and Avery

Post-Snack Breakdown

Avery the photog.  Since she does this to me when I ask her to smile, I had to do this to her when she told me to smile!!


So cute...she has her hand on Ken's PLEASE understand, and PLEASE find me a snack!

Taking over Mom's camera

Strategy for the second half


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