Wednesday, August 27, 2014

08.27.2014: Vegas & Brad Paisley Time

Vince and I drove up to Vegas...mid-week...for a semi-impromptu break!  Kenny & Kelsea were going up to see the Britney Spears concert on Thurs.  So Mom & Dad were meeting them there to get them the ticket...(since Mom gets them for free).  So, we decided WHY NOT?!  They also ended up all getting tickets for the Brad Paisley show at the Cosmo pool for Weds night.  Kelsea's Mom & Step-Dad were going to come up for the night for that, but her Dad couldn't make it.  Soooo, since Vince wasn't big on going to a Brad concert, we hadn't bought tix.  BUT since Maryanne had an extra one.....she asked if I wanted to go. OK!!!  ;)

So, I joined the group at the concert while Vince hung out in the casinos.  We did some pre-partying first in Ken & Kelsea's room at Planet Hollywood....then again in Maryanne's room at the Cosmo.  And by pre-party, I mean wine, then vodka drinks, then shots of Fireball....then more drinks when we got to the concert.  Let's just say, it was a great concert!!!!

The concert was cool because we were SUPER close.  It was outside at the it was very intimate and small crowd feel.  He was great of always.   I would highly recommend any concert there.

They were handing out free RayBans at the door (ok, maybe not "name-brand" RayBans, but they were good looking knock-offs!).  Ken & Kelsea looked great in theirs! 


One of my fav pics of them! Too cool for school...


A little looked clear when we were there! ;)

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