Friday, March 7, 2014

03.07.2014: HVT Health Services Open House

Our office has been open for about a month & half now...and it was about time we had an open house to celebrate!!  We are members of the North San Antonio Chamber of Commerce and they wanted to do a ribbon cutting ceremony for our open house.  It was kinda cool because they all came down and we were featured in their newsletter and on their website.  Kinda a big deal for little ole' us!!! 
We had a really good turn out though. Lots friends, family, future and ex-coworkers!  Most of the ex-Cherokee's were there which was amazing!  We had to take a picture of the old crew.  It is funny because Vince and I were part of this group before most of them were....but it was so fun having them all here supporting us.  And was a great dig in the Cherokees back...but who is counting!

All ex-Cherokee's...except Jennylynn..she is sticking it out!

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