Saturday, April 20, 2013

04.20.2013: JBJ...Jon Bon Jovi!!!!

Sooooo, annual JBJ concert in Vegas baby!!!!  Yes, the crew is back!!  One of those events that just keeps getting better and better each year as well.   Dad & Vince ran in the Tillman run/race in Phoenix this morning....and as soon as they were done, we hoped in the car and rushed to Vegas to make the concert with the JBJ crew.   Vince and I got a flat tire in Kingman...luckily close to had to make a pit stop to get 2 tires replaced.  Only set us back about 45 mins.  Not too bad, but enough to set the stress meters up to max levels!  But luckily we got back on the road, just in time to get to Vegas, change our clothes and make the pre-party!  In need of a very strong drink....good thing we found one (or two)!
Oh also, Mom & Dad got upgraded to a ridiculous 1,600 sq foot suite at the Rio where we were all staying!  It worked out great because that's where we had our group pre-party and happy hours each night!
Erin, Sarah, Craven & Dad...
 Kenny giving a toast...or at least making some comments about something!
 Glad to all be here again!
 Left to Right....Jerry, Erin, Ken, Nick, Sarah, Craven, Kelsea, Kenny, Dad, Mom, Vince, Me, Jen & Nick.
 No Filter rare form!
 The "adults"??!
 Kenny in his "we better not miss the concert" mode!

 Erin & Jerry

 We love limos....
 Cuz we looked (acted) like we had never been to Vegas driver thought we needed to see the sign. Whatever!  We'll get our photo op in....

 Nick & Jen
 Sarah & Jeff
 Erin & Jerry
 The other Nick & Jen
 Ken & Kelsea

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