Saturday, August 25, 2012

08.25.2012: Christopher Cross Concert & Pageant of the Masters

Vince and I have been wanting to see Christopher Cross in concert FOREVER!  When I found out he was playing a special charity concert at the Pageant of the Masters festival in Laguna Beach, we just HAD to go.  Christina & Lex joined us for the evening.  We started out at a Thai restaurant in Laguna, which turned out to be amazingly good!  Then we walked over to the Pageant festival.  The concert itself was so a super small venue...which was actually just on a lawn area in the middle of all the art exhibits.  Cross played for over an hour in this tiny little area...before the Pagaent began.  There were artist booths set up all over, so you could walk around and either just admire or actually buy some of the paintings & sculptures.  During the concert, we ended up "backstage" and Vince even got to talk to some of the band members....and then shake Christopher Cross's hand as he exited the stage.  We had such a good time....and the Pageant hadn't even begun yet!
For those that don't know, the Pageant is the most amazing artistic display I've ever seen.  It was a play, but the actors would freeze in transition to immulate famous paintings, the "Masters".  It was the most unique thing you could imagine.  We will definitely be back to see this again!!  It runs every year in Laguna for a couple try to see it if you can!!


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