Saturday, March 30, 2013

03.30.2013: Newport Night Trip

Vince and I were out in CA for Easter weekend and just to help take care of Gramma & Papa.  On Sat we made the trip out to Newport to visit and celebrate with Christina, Lex, and Justice.  We decided to go to dinner at of our favorite places EVER in the beach cities.  I didn't take any pics from there, but it was a perfect beachy night for us.  Just overcast & cloudy,,,,but not cold.  Soooo nice and such a good break from what is to be the heat of the desert soon.  Soaking up every cool moment we can!!!
Before we got to their house, we went for a walk on the was soo nice out!  And we saw a whole school of dolphins swimming in the surf along the beach.  I LOVE seeing that!!! Seems like we get to see it pretty often lately....but still never take it for granted and enjoy each moment of it.


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