Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12.19.2012: Andrew & Brianna's Christmas Program

Vince and I drove out to Mesa for Andrew & Brianna's Christmas program.  Each of the classes sang about 3 songs individually, then all the classes sang a couple songs together.  Since Brianna is also doing a separate dance class through the school, they also had a performance during the program.  Brianna wasn't too happy because it was a more contemporary dance a little slow & ballet-ish.  Not as exciting as hip hop  :)  It was really cute though and the kids did a great job!
Poor Andrew was kinda hidden behind the girl in front of him. When they first lined up, he realized he was hidden, and he made his way in front of her....but she made him go back. It was a pretty funny exchange! So, he was pretty distraught about not being able to see (or be seen!!). We got to see him a bit though. It was cute watching his head pop in & out during the song. (This was on the December Nights song which they sang first). During the other, she had moved down front so we got a better view of him.
Brianna was right in front, so we saw her well! Although she was freezing because she had just finished her dance right before her class came out (so she couldn't get her sweater).

So, I didn't get any pics of Brianna, because I just took videos of her performances.  And of course I cannot upload the videos!!!  So here are the YouTube links to them:
Brianna Pablo the Reindeer

Brianna Feliz Navidad

Andrew Las Fiesta de la Posada

Andrew December nights

Brianna Christmas Dance Recital

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