Thursday, March 22, 2012

03.22.2012: First Babysitters

So after the crazy animal park experience, we dropped off Drake with Sarah & Christina.  Vince and I had a work dinner with Charles & some potential future partners in a new endeavor.  So the girls volunteered to watch Drake, along with the Gabby & Darien...and of course Paisley!  Before we headed off for dinner, Christina & Sarah needed to run some errands (without all the kiddos) for a while so they left Paisley with us.  Her first babysitting session!!!!  I feel sooooooo lucky to be the first to watch her! :)  Well, Vince was there I guess we both get the prize! 

So, of course the kids all decide they want to hold her....the only time they come downstairs all evening/afternoon!  Vince wanted his time holding Paisley since I was hogging her up until then...but the kids were begging to hold her.  So they each got a little turn...until she got mad anyways.  Then we took her back, and they ran back upstairs! :)

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