Saturday, January 28, 2012

01.28.2012: Drake's Track Meet

Today was Drake's first track meet.  He has been in a track club since last October, but this was the first meet the kids are competing in.  It is a Developmental meet, so the times don't count towards regulation meets or qualifying competitions, but gives the kids a chance to get ready for the season.  Track is the longest season ever!  Not only do the meets last all day (and by all day I mean 8 hours minimum), and they practice everyday for 2 hours, but the season goes from Dec, when the kids start officially practicing, to the end of June, when the National Meets are held.  Yes, ridiculous.  But Drake LOVES it.  He is super fast, and running is probably the best workout he can be getting on a daily basis. 

Back to this is being held at a high school in Mesa. Our club only had about 70 kids overall...but usually only about 30 or so compete in any given meet.  Some clubs have over 300 kids in their clubs.  It is crazy how popular it is...(and expensive)!!  Who knew....

 Drake is running the 100m dash and the 200m dash....and competing in the long jump.  I tried to upload some videos of his 2 races here, but the computer keeps locking up, after 2 hours of "trying" to upload them.  So, I gave up.  In the 100m dash, he came in second place in his heat.  In the 200m dash, he also came in second.  He took the turn with a quickness, and was ahead by a lot, but started to slow in the last 50m. It was a GREAt frist race!!   He is still learning the pacing of the 200, but agrees that it is definitely his race.  He has strong legs that can power him through those last few meters, when most kids have burnt out.

He decided that green is his color...hence the bright green track shoes we got him for Christmas.  It is nice because you can spot him anywhere on the track with those shoes!!!  :)

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