Sunday, June 26, 2011

06.26.2011: Beach Day All Day

Sunday, we all woke up and Vince went and got us some McD's instead of us all trying to converge on some breakfast joint in Coronado...especially when all the kids really wanted to do was hit the beach!  Turned out perfect with a bunch of McGriddles, coffee, OJ, and hash brown things.  We all ate, then went for a little walk around all the brand new bungalows.  They were amazing and Vince immediately went and booked a weekend for us all to go enjoy them.  They were not even completely yet, but were just days from opening.  Our walk was nice...but not long enough to walk off those McGriddles....but hey, we are on vacation!

The kids were crazy antsy to get in the water and do some more boogie we prepped the stuff, prepped Avery, and got ready to walk to the water :)  The very long 2 minute walk out our door to our very own private ocean!!  Avery was awake and enjoying the breezy day...even though she was sand blasted once or twice...she still was happy and enjoying the moment.

 Andrew riding the waves
 Beach Beauty!

 Andrew trying to run Nana over

 Drake riding the waves
 Our lovely piggy....he was just so cute!!!!!

 Yes he was laying in sand....
 Frisbee lessons!!!
Andrew did pretty good!
 Vince gourmet grilling in the sand....
 Our hut....
 Three flies up...

Earlier in the day Drake found a huge clam in the sand that had washed up.....and the boys decided that it would be fun to grill it!  Andrew & Drake wanted it for dinner (however we had hot dogs as a standby just in case the whole clam thing didn't work out). It was creepy looking and smelled terrible.....but Vince threw it on the grill to see if he could steam it open go.  Didn't really work....just kinda stunk up the place!!!  OH well...the kids LOVED the idea and were soooo excited to see it possibly happen.  

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