Wednesday, September 8, 2010

09.08.2010: A Day in the City...Fabulous Manhattan

The next day, we all ditched work (well, Vince and I didnt need too...and Greg took the day off) head to the city for some shopping and dining and sight seeing!! I absolutely love visit!! West Point is about an hour train ride from downtown and the best way to travel there. It is a gorgeous trip as well as it rides right along the Hudson all the way into Manhattan. We had a great day....started off with lunch in Grand Central Station...then grabbed a taxi down to Canal Street where we do our main shopping. Found some GREAT deals!! After that we headed back to Times Square area (via Subway) to sight-see and have drinks and eventually have dinner. Long day in the city, but so fun and so worth it!

West Point Army Academy from the other side of the Hudson....
Amazing and GORGEOUS!!!
Waiting at the train terminal in Beacon

Pretty day...pretty views!
Times we come!
Busy day in the city:

The famous ball that drops on New Years Eve

Amazing bar right in the middle of Times Square with great views....oh, and great cosmos!! Yes, we all were drinking the pink drinks! YUM!
So the story behind POP TART WORLD!
They opened a tempoary trial store in Times Square a couple months ago...similar to the M&M stores everywhere. Vince has been a poptart lover since childhood...and me too...really who isn't though?? So, we have been wanting to go to this store for months! So, it was a definite MUST stop while we were there! We were soooo excited to see it! They even had the Apple Strudel poptarts that Vince has been missing for years....funny because they just brought them back too! But the store was really cool!! They had poptart everything!
Pop tart samples....
Bye-bye Manhattan...until next time!

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