Saturday, April 17, 2010

04.17.2010: Drake's First Tackle Football Game

Today was Drake's first tackel football game. He was soooo excited and soooo nervous!! He did really well though. Takes a while to get used to the chaos on the field, but by the end of the game, he started to get his berrings and figure out what was going on! He plays tightend on offense, and either D-line or safety on defense. The team lost, but did so well for their first game. You could tell the other team had been playing together for a while...and it was HOT out! Hard for those little (and big) guys in all those pads. Just the beginning.....

There is a video on the bottom here that you can play too :) Didn't score a touchdown yet....but had a GREAT game!!

VIDEO: Drake's first running play carrying the ball...he was even dragging a few guys there at the end!!

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