Wednesday, March 17, 2010

03.17.2010: Drake's First Tackle Football Practice

Drake had been BEGGING to play tackle football for the past year, but since Vince and I have been on the go non-stop, and had a wedding to plan we hadn't had a chance to enroll him in a league. Start of the new year, we got him signed up!! He was sooooo excited and a little nervous, but his first practice was awesome! He fit right in with the other guys...who had all been playing for a couple years. Drake was the new guy, and the youngest, and the biggest, and one of the fastest! He caught on VERY fast, learning all the drills and keeping up with the veterans. He is playing in the tightend position on offense, and usually safety (sometimes lineman) on defense. It is 8-man tackle...the "pee-wee" division. It has been a blast watching him improve and gain more & more confidence each practice. Cannot wait for the games!! Oh, after his first day, we asked how he liked it, and he said "I think I was born to do this"!!!! Now that is a football player!! :) FYI---he is still only 7 years old!

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