Tuesday, October 6, 2009

10.02.2009: Nicole's 21st Birthday In VEGAS Baby!!

For Nicole's 21st Birthday, we do what we do best.....go to VEGAS!!!! We had a group there celebrating the event....Ken & Nicole....of course. Nicole's friends (Brittany & Max), Gina & Bill, Brad & Leonor, Vince and I...and Mom & Dad. We got to do a little of everything while we were there for the weekend! Night #1....we all arrived into town. Ate some dinner. Converged into Ken & Nicole's room. Had some drinks. Headed out on the town. Ended up at Margaritaville...danced and had a blast!

Day #2....we went to see/play The Price Is Right. SOOOOOO FUN!!!! Would have been much more fun had we actually been picked...but oh well. It was pretty cool to be part of the show! We did dinner at the Rio...then headed up to Voodoo lounge. OH...I missed one very important moment....Nicole got her playa-playa card!!! For you non-Vegas-ers...that means she is now officially a gambler...and on their watch list! She got her "Gold Card"....and is well on her way to Diamond status...under the direction of my Mom :) Nicole, we are proud of ya! OK, back to VooDoo lounge....we had some drinks, took some pics...hung out up there at the top of the world. It was cool and fun!! And windy and cold! So we had to go inside...then moved on. We headed over to the Gold Coast across the street. After a harrowing experience running across some busy Vegas street...jaywalking none-the-less...but it is ok because my brother is a COP. We spent a few hours at the Gold Coast....1. because the Long Islands were flowing very nicely...and 2. cuz we rubbed a Buddha belly....and 3. because we were sitting at a roulette table and doing very well for a few hours!! :) Who knew that would be "the spot" of the trip!!!! :) After that we did some other stuff....that none of us really remember...but I think we just gambled some more...then went to bed!

Day/Night #3....the kids all departed and headed back to Flag....us older folks stayed around for another night of torture! We spent Sunday watching football here & there...then hung out in Sparks room for the Charger game....see last picture. We had a fun time....crazy stories that evening including some of us hiding in the bathroom and Bill making wild turkey noises from there, Leonor and/or Gina hiding in the closet...discussions about stools and borrowing each others....ya, just don't ask! After the game we hit the strip again for some lucky winnings. We went to Paris where Leonor won $400...whooohooo!! Which caused Brad to buy numerous rounds for everyone for the rest of the night. Vince and I hit the hay early...and the rest of the group stayed out all hours! Someday maybe we too can outlast all the others!!

Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLE!!! Hope you had as much fun as we all did!! :) Anytime you want to turn 21 again....just call us!! We will meet you there :)

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