Tuesday, April 29, 2008

4.29.08: Random Thoughts & Pics

Alisa and the kids have been here in Arizona for the last month or so, and they went back to Texas yesterday. I can't really say they went "home", because guess what.....THEY SOLD THEIR HOUSE!! Whooohooo!! They got an offer last week, and Alisa went back to start the packing process....or finish it, I guess. Escrow closes on May 16th, but they are loading up and moving their stuff here to AZ on the weekend of the 10th. All really great news! Except that their new house here in AZ isn't finished being built yet, so in the meantime, Brent will keep living here with us, and Alisa and the kids will roam back & forth between here and Riverside. You know the family in CA is happy about that!! :) They can't wait!!! Between CA & AZ, they will be even more busy and get to visit with lots of family!

The past month or so has been pretty busy. With the kids here, we spent a lot of time by the pool working on our spring tans. Andrew has become quite the swimmer, and actually so has Brianna. Before they left, Brianna will leave you & the steps and just float with her "muscles" on. Andrew swims almost like a pro both above and below water without his muscles, and with very little help from his floating noodle! He has gotten pretty brave! They will be ready for the Olympic team by the end of summer!

For us big kids, we got to have a couple little wine nights, went to dinner once or twice, but mostly operated out of the house! Since Vince and I were in Vegas so much, we didn't really get to plan any fun activities around here. (Which explains the lack of pics!!) Oh well....they will be back soon!

Here are some random pics from the last month. (Yes, Brent is drinking wine in that first picture!) A few more (as well as the Vegas ones) are on the Costco website link to the right.

The summer is jam-packed full of exciting events!!! I finally updated our event list too!! This is a really busy year for our group...let the fun begin!!!!

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