Friday, November 16, 2007

11.10.07: Pre-Thanksgiving Party

Sat night we all got together for a little pre-Thanksgiving party at the Durbins. It was a fun night, as we got to celebrate both Thanksgiving and Bill's birthday! Some of the boys went and played paintball in the morning, and the rest of us got ready for the party! We got to make good use of Mom and Dad's new keg, we all got to meet the newest addition to the Spark clan, we got to visit with most of the Brechbills and Durbins who were able to come, and we got to eat and eat and eat! It was all capped off by an RV catching fire down the street and us standing in the driveway watching the flames! All in all, another great party by Bonnie & Ralph!!! :) Here are a few pics....I didn't get a chance to take too many though! Sorry!!
OH - did I mention though, another wonderful opportunity for a group picture????

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