Saturday, September 29, 2018

09.29.2018: Pinnacle Homecoming Dance

Tonight is Drake's homecoming dance!  He went last year as well but this is his first with a date - his girlfriend, Chloe! Soooo excited for him!!  Vince helped him with his outfit tonight after much planning and coordinating! We all went over to Chloe's parents house before the dance to take pictures and hang out with her parents.  Chloe's mom is a pro-photog, so wanted to capture some great pics of the kids.  She knows how to pose them, and get the best lighting, etc.  I just snuck some of my own pics, taking advantage of her pro-ness! :) They looked so good!  Drake's BFF, Austin went with them as well - and Chloe's friend Kaylie. Although we didn't get any pics of the dance itself, sounds like they had a blast - and danced all night! SO much fun!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

09.27.2018: Drake Football vs Sandra Day O'Connor

Tonight's game was up in Happy Valley area vs Sandra Day O'Connor.  Drake played all the special teams plays as well as a few on defense.  He is still working his way to earning his starting Linebacker spot back after his 3 weeks off from is concussion. When he went in for defense, he was in on every tackle play - so its a good start to proving his place on the field again!  Pinnacle had a great win tonight - keeping their undefeated status in tact!


Friday, September 21, 2018

09.21.2018: #Hearn2020

This morning Vince and I headed downtown because Vince had a meeting scheduled with Trump's National Domestic Policy Advisor.  They were having a roundtable discussion to discuss aerospace and defense business in AZ.  Back on the campaign!!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

09.16.2018: Lots of Lemons

Avery opened a business today - she made her own lemonade stand! It was very successful, and she had a great selection of snacks, as well as delicious lemonade.  It was a wonderful treat for the afternoon, and she worked super hard on it! Although she didn't have a designated drive-thru, she did have a drive-thru customer!