Sunday, May 22, 2011
05.22.2011: Brent's 30-Something Birthday
Saturday, May 21, 2011
05.21.2011: After-Dance Dinner Party
Yukon really not happy about sharing his bed....
The tickle monster made an love trying to tickle Vince...who has the most non-ticklbility! (That means he doesn't get ticklish...he turns it off really well....made up word...but sounded like it should make sense.) Nana would get her "mad" face on to try to hold him off...but just didnt work...she would lose it every time!
05.21.2011: Brianna's Dance Recital
So cute!! We all thought that all the girls did so much better than the Christmas recital. We left after Brianna's dance because we didn't want to push our luck with Avery...and because we didn't really want to stay for "Mo-hop"...for those in the know!
After the recital, Brianna met us outside and she got a TON of bouqet from each of us. This was to make up for her last recital where she didn't get any flowers....and for the past 5 months has repeatedly let us all hear about it!! So, she was overwhelmed with flowers this time! It was really cute too because you could tell she was so excited and so proud. She accepted them all with grace. On the way home, she told Olivia "You know how sometimes you get tears because you are sad...and sometimes you get tears because you are so happy. Well, I got tears today when I got all my flowers because I was so happy." Brilliant.... Later in the day, Brianna told me the same thing...."I cried today because I was so happy that everyone got me flowers". What 5 year old gets emotional for that type of thing?? Once again, proof that Nana is a wise soul, way beyond her years...stuck in a 5 year old body. :)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
05:15:2011: Avery Meets Her Big Brother & Big Sister
Sunday morning, I took Vince to the airport then headed back to the hospital. Brent left to go home to pick up the kids & Olivia so they could come meet Avery. They were all soooooo excited to see her!! And I am sure that Avery was just as excited to meet her big brother & sister! We all hung out at the hospital all least until Alisa was exhausted and needing a nap! Brent's co-worker Tony & his family came to visit for a bit as well. About 5pm, we all left so Brent and Alisa could get some rest. Avery seemed to have no problem dozing on & off throughout the day. On the way home, I was pretty close to dozing had been a long 48 hours with only about 2 hours of sleep...not highly recommended! Went home & went to bed....slept till noon the next day...right about the same time Alisa, Brent & Avery were getting ready to leave the hospital!!
As soon as Andrew got there, he was hungry!
Olivia & Brianna checking out the baby Yup, That's ME! BIG BROTHER
Nana would not show off her BIG SISTER shirt
Sleeping baby...
Kids checking out what all the fuss has been about!
Brianna could not wait to hold her....she was soooo excited!
Andrew didn't want to hold her yet....
First new family pic....
Avery was even smiling
Olivia holding her new granddaughter
The kids really enjoyed the hospital bed...especially the speakers in the side rests. The cartoons were semi-more exciting than the new baby.