Saturday, September 19, 2009

09.19.2009: Bridal Shower

The girls gathered at Mom & Dad's house for a little bridal shower for me :) Unfortunately I don't have any pics from the event cuz I tried to be part of it instead of just in the corner taking pics...although I did miss my corner & having a camera hiding me! Being the center of attention was very difficult, but a good warm up for the wedding events!!

Thanks to all that came, and all the wonderful gifts! Thanks Mom and Alisa and Nicole for hosting a nice afternoon!!! :) It was fun!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

09.13.2009: New York City

On Sunday, we had a free day from we hopped on the train and headed to the Big Apple! West Point was only about an hour from Manhattan so why not!? It was a very cool train ride down there.....dropped us in Grand Central Station....right in the heart of the city! So, from there we went down to Canal Street to do a little shopping....then to the site of the World Trade Center...Ground Zero. We were there on 9/13....2 days after the anniversary of 9/11. There was still a lot of memorials that were up from the few days before...and I am sure some are up year-round. It was kinda wierd being there....never seeing it how it used to be...a different experience from what others might have...but still VERY emotional just being there. You cannot get a good view of anything from the ground because it is surrounded by chain link fence and construction materials. We went to the Millineum Hotel across the street...went to the 3rd floor where there is a rest & bar....and took some pics from there looking down into ground zero. Amazing.

After that we hit the streets again...walked across the street from ground zero to where there is a church. Amazingly, absolutely NO damage was done to the church....which is where the firemen and survivors took refuge. It has been turned into a memorial now, but was an active church at the time. Another emotional experience...

We headed back to Times Square for dinner and a little more walking around....had a great time there....wonderful dinner!! :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

09.10.2009: West Point Academy, New York

Vince and I had to go up to West Point Academy on business for about 4 days. We were taking over a contract at the hospital on base there. I had never been to this part of New York before, and I must say it was GORGEOUS! West Point is amazing!!!! It is located right on the Hudson River, and the architecture is like being around the castles in Germany! They do tours there so if you ever have a chance, take a tour there!! It is breathtaking! So, needless to say, we enjoyed our time working there!! Took a few pics too. On Friday there, we were walking around the campus and saw a HUGE procession of people marching around on campus. Turns out it was the football team getting ready to board their buses and leave campus for the night. Tradition is that the team, and all high ranking officials leave campus the day before the game....only to return for the game itself. So, we saw the team board and leave....then saw the General get in his helicopter (right in front of us) and leave as well.....soooooo cool!!!! :)

For lunch we went to go eat at the hotel that is right next to the entrance. We met Coach K (Duke's basketball coach) there. He was getting inducted into the West Point Hall of Fame during halftime the next day. Bobby Knight was the one inducting him. Very nice guy...Coach K. Anyways, it was cool to see him in person...Vince was mad I didn't get a picture of him with with him! Oh well!! It was a trip well worth it, and time well spent there. Look forward to having to go back again!! :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

09.06.2009: Labor Day at Brian Greene's

For Labor Day weekend we headed over to Brian Greene's new house for some BBQ, wine, and Wii. We had some DELICIOUS food, got to hang out with some of our favorite people....and got to play the Wii. The kids really got into it too....once they got the controllers from Vince and Greg....who had a mean tennis match going! The boys (Andrew & Drake) worked up a sweat boxing each other...we thought they were going to end up in the TV...kinda like the commercial. They REALLY got into it!!! It was hilarious! There were even some twists & turns....some ducking and weaving...and Andrew threw a few dance moves in there. We all had a blast! Thanks to Brian for being a wonderful host!! The first of many weekend parties at his house!!! :)